Ours is a Constitutional Republic here in the United States. What that means is that the government resides in the hands of the citizens who then elect and appoint individuals to "minister" or serve in specific capacities for the benefit of the citizens of the United States. All government officials are employees of the citizens of the United States. The authority rests in the hands of the citizens by virtue of the God-given rights that are recognized in the U.S. Constitution. This is not an insignificant matter. This thinking is what makes it a requirement by the law of our land that all citizens are to be presumed innocent until proven guilty.
Recent actions of high officials who do not see themselves as employees of the American citizen have attempted to ignore the fact. But, the fact remains that even the president is an employee of the citizens of the United States.
The structure of our nation rests on the underlying concept of freedom, of liberty that is rooted in the Holy Bible, because the founders understood that only a God-fearing people, a self-controlled people could govern themselves as a nation.When folks cease to be God-fearing, we have a problem. Because of the current state of the economy, let's start there and examine the implications of distance from God.
God says in His Word, the Holy Bible:
"Blessed is the nation whose God is the LORD, the people He chose for His inheritance. From heaven the LORD looks down and sees all mankind; from His dwelling place He watches all who live on earth--He who forms the hearts of all, who considers everything they do. No king is saved by the size of his army; no warrior escapes by his great strength. A horse is a vain hope for deliverance, despite all its great strength it cannot save. But the eyes of the LORD are on those who fear Him, on those whose hope is in His unfailing love, to deliver them from death and keep them alive in famine. We wait in hope for the LORD; He is our help and our shield. In Him our hearts rejoice, for we trust in His holy name. May Your unfailing love rest upon us, O LORD, even as we put our hope in You."
Psalm 33:12-22,
The Holy Bible
Most budget problems at all levels of governance [national, state, municipal, local, and household] are directly attributable to attempting to buy that which only God can give.
What is that commodity?
Answer: "Contentment"
Contentment is a term completely ignored by economists and fiscal advisors.
When I speak of "contentment" I am not speaking of some nefarious experience in "La-La land”.
God-given ”Contentment” that the founders were well aware of provides a quietness of spirit that allows for improved thought processes that in the past have yielded invention. Invention fuels production. And, production improves individual and collective economies.
It is discontentment that drives deficit spending in the individual. And when individuals in the aggregate, a nation of discontented people choose discontented people to represent them in determining expenditures, we generate increased deficit spending. Folks spend out of control (ask me how I know) when they fail to be self-governing. And, self-government does not happen without self-control.
The Founders of our nation knew the necessity of self-control as foundational to self-governance. They knew the Holy Bible. See Galatians 5 of the Holy Bible to see the full list of gifts and the characteristics associated with the absence of those gifts. Absence of those God-given gifts renders fertile ground for social problems, societal problems that are then pointed to as a way of justifying overspending.
The point I am making here is this:
Every breakdown in moral character costs money individually and collectively. And, that breakdown in morality comes as a result of not being in right relationship with God. As a nation draws further away from God, the costs become more and more pronounced.
John Wycliffe once made a statement which Abraham Lincoln modified unfortunately obscuring the message a bit. Wycliffe said, “This Bible is for the government of the people, by the people and for the people”.
Indeed, self-control has as its bedrock individual "contentment." That contentment is a gift from God and grows from being in right relationship with Him through Christ Jesus, Our Lord. Self-control is the last gift listed as a fruit of the Holy Spirit. I believe self control is the culmination of the presence of all the fruits of the Holy Spirit that are listed before it. And, in the individual, self control is the first to go when our walk detours from God's precepts. Contentment becomes unobtainium when we individually and collectively fail to acknowledge God.
So, what am I really saying here?
What does this mean for our nation?
Folks, my message is this:
God-given 'contentment' which epitomizes 'self-control' yields 'self-governance' which in turn yields both invention and industry--all of which constitute gifts from our God of the Holy Bible.
Our history as a nation points to that very fact. "Self-controlled" people are "self-governing" people.
Yes. Upholding the U.S. Constitution is the primary duty of our governing authorities.
Because the U.S. Constitution was written with the understanding of the value God places upon human beings. It puts into operation a governance structure where the highest value for human beings is made explicit without ignoring the need for checks and balances made necessary because of the fall of humanity. These notions were clearly understood by the Framers of our Constitution. The Framers understood because they read the Holy Bible. As a result, our nation serves as a beacon for many.
Billy Graham once made a wonderfully insightful comment. He said, "The most patriotic thing you can do is accept Jesus Christ."
Acceptance of Jesus Christ gives you His Spirit and then you will know what true freedom is. Where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is Liberty.
God's Truth sets people free, free to rise above that which is debase.
God is Sovereign. Christ Jesus is KING of Kings. Indeed, He is the only true source of liberty, liberty that is the hallmark of a free, self-governing people.
While other nations submit themselves solely to human authority, we understand that all authority comes from God. To the degree that earthly authority deviates from God's Word, we are to maintain our allegiance to God rather than man.
Governance requires both vigilance and accountability to ideals higher than the musings of mere mortals. The fallen nature of humanity makes each of us susceptible to influences that could undermine the well-being of us all. The very nature of the nation's structure is specified constitutionally in line with that Biblical understanding.
Our Government, built on biblical foundations with rightly acknowledged truth communicated by God, has led to the durability of our nation to date. It has also led to a quality of life that historically has been the envy of the world.
God's laws when adhered to underpin the success of this nation.
Justice demands that all human beings be held to the same divinely articulated standard independent of social or political standing. This is because everybody remains subject to judgment before God. Graciously, God grants us the opportunity to repent and accept Christ Jesus.
Our institutions such as marriage are God-given, based upon His eternal law, having righteous foundations.
To have institutions formulated on any other basis would mean building upon infamously wicked notions.
Consequently, it is extremely important that you and I elect God-fearing officials.
Let me be clear here.
Under no circumstances are we to call "evil good, or good evil." Isaiah 5:20-21
Let us search ourselves in these days. Ps 139:23-24
Let us not grow weary in well-doing. 2 Thessalonians 3:13
Let us not allow our minds to conform to the thinking of this world. Romans 12:2
Let us not allow our faith to grow cold.1 John 3:17-18
May God have mercy on our nation. Amen!
The Lord willing, the next entry will present the specific Bible references that address the national consequences of distance from God.
In Christ Jesus,
--Livvy McDonald :)<><
My Postscript....Genius comes from and belongs to God, whether the humans expressing it are smart enough to know it or not....
Christ Jesus supplies every good and perfect gift including all manifestations of Genius. Do you see THE AMEN, Y'all?
-----Livvy McDonald :)<><