Friday, January 15, 2010

No Form of Any Federally-Funded, Public Optionalized or Otherwise, "Baby-Killing" Health Care Legislation Is Acceptable.... That Bill Must Not Pass


The United States of America can help places like HAITI today because the United States of America is NOT Haiti. Not Yet!

The Proposed Legislation for "Health Care" reform must NOT pass. That Bill that has been spun in the dark, behind closed doors, and draped in dead promises of "transperancy" is the greatest threat to our constitutional guarantees of liberty than any other policy initiative that the United States has faced.
Why? Because it is argued as a compassionate act while insidiously designed to kill the most vulnerable of our population and do so in a way that simultaneously kills the fruitfulness of free enterprise and human ingenuity.

This abominable bill represents the gateway for"changed" definition of the very character and substance of our nation.

Folks, vote on this Bill offers our nation the opportunity to choose "Life" versus most assured Death of all that free people hold dear.

Saints, I urge ALL God-Fearing in the United States and around the world to pray for the defeat of this Bill. Let's send a clarion call to the arrogant who seek to go against the will of the American people.

We the People will not put up with third and fourth world behavior out of our elected officials!

Pray that our nation will return to its Biblical roots and rightly acknowledge the God of the Holy Bible. Those biblical roots are what has made America a beacon of Hope throughout the world. That is why just one ship out of our harbor can provide electricity to power an entire island nation.

Our Faith in God Works, Folks! We know how to turn on the lights because we started off with the Light of the World!

So, No Dictator spouting what is "best" for our nation is to be tolerated!

If we succumb to this trap, we deserve the consequence.

Let's Fear God, Not man!

Our faith in the God of Bible, the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, the ONE made manifest as Jesus Christ, Our Savior and LORD, is what makes our quality of life in the United States better than any other place on the face of this earth!

NEVER forget that.

In the words of one famous writer/social commentator: "If the United States goes, the entire world will miss her."

That's the TRUTH.
Just look at Haiti.

Salvation in this life and the next is only in God! Amen!

Serve the KING of Kings!

--Livvy McDonald
Psalms 20:8-10