Sunday, January 10, 2010

Terrorist? Islamist? Presentations by Former Mayor Ed Koch, Author Robert Spencer, D.C. Imam Abdul Alim Musa, and Prime Minister Netanyahu

Former Mayor of New York, Ed Koch

Robert Spencer is author of The Complete Infidel's Guide to the Koran

Abdul Alim Musa, Washington, D.C. Imam

Prime Minister Netanyahu on December 29, 2008 Concerning Gaza and Hamas

For more information, visit Unity Coalition for Israel at Or, contact our dear friend, Esther Levens directly via email at

Dear Saints,

Pray for the Peace of Jerusalem!
Pray for the United States of America!
Pray for All who are in authority!
Pray so that we may lead peaceable lives.
----Livvy McDonald

Proclaim the Glory of the LORD!
Lyrics as Sung by Steve Green

Proclaim the glory of the Lord
Let every tongue confess He reigns
Lift up His name in praises forever
Proclaim the glory of the Lord
Make known His mighty deeds to all
Take up the call, let every nation know

He is our Messiah, our Savior and our King
Let all our voices join as one
And fill the earth with singing
Glory to our God
His greatness we applaud
Let every race on every shore
Proclaim the glory of the Lord

Proclaim the glory of the Lord
Give honor to the Prince of Peace
For if we cease the stones will start shouting
Proclaim the glory of the Lord
With hands uplifted let us raise
Immortal praise to Him who reigns on high

*[Emphasis Mine]