Friday, February 12, 2010

A Prayer....

Dear Saints,

Please continue to pray for revival.

As you know, with true revival which consists of Holy Spirit orchestrated conviction and empowerment, a large number of individuals escape damnation, become clothed in their right mind, and assumes lives as new creations mindful of the Sovereign of the universe and guided by the Holy Spirit. Consequently, with such a merciful move of God, we collectively can become transformed as a nation. All depends on God's grace and our willingness to travail in prayer.

I once read the following statement made by Phillips Brooks, a clergyman of the later half of the 1800's. Brooks, who pastored huge congregations in Massachussetts once said,

"Do not pray for easy lives!
Pray to be stronger men.
Do not pray for tasks equal to your powers.
Pray for powers equal to your tasks.
Then the doing of your work shall be no miracle,
but you shall be a miracle."

Saints, that is my prayer for us. If you are led to agree, join me
in this prayer.


Please forgive us for our sins we have consciously and unconsciously committed against You. We ask that you forgive us in the name of Your Son, Jesus Christ.

We now accept your forgiveness and ask that You wash us thoroughly with Jesus' cleansing blood.
Thank You, LORD.

Please fill us afresh with the presence of Your Holy Spirit.

As we moment by moment acknowledge You, please order our steps for the name's sake of Your Son,Jesus.

LORD GOD, make us strong enough to meet the tasks You have providentially assigned for each of us.

May we be both strong and courageous in doing those tasks.
May we with all diligence function as more than conquerors in You, LORD GOD.

Grant us God-Honoring/God-Fearing Wisdom along with ears to Hear You over all of the noise of this life. In turn, may You hear us in our prayers for Revival for ourselves and for our nation.

Awaken us, Your church, from the trammatic stupor that marks our times.
Then, with sobriety of thought, godly conviction of heart,and fervent love for You, LORD GOD, and for each other, may we daily pass before our Commander, the Lord Jesus Christ, to receive His scrutiny, be inspected and be found as workers approved by Him.

We stand on Your Word, LORD GOD. Your Word is Truth!

We understand from Your Word that for us who are seated in heavenly places with and in Your Son, Christ Jesus, Our Righteousness---we can pray prayers that avail much.
So LORD, Please respond to our prayer of petition for Revival.

May we each see Your glory manifested in our own transformed lives and then the lives of all we encounter.

We know that You are a consuming fire.

Cloak us in Your Son, Jesus, where we are assured not to be utterly consumed.

We do petition You yet again for Revival.

Let Revival begin in us.
From where we are, let Revival spread throughout the United States; and, then let revival as a contagion be caught by the entire world.

Please clean us up, LORD, in preparation for Your Son.
We wish to be His bride without spot or blemish.
Let Your Son not find Himself unequally yoked to us.

Please Bring Revival, LORD.
This is our prayer as Your Church.
In the name of Christ Jesus our Savior we pray.

Soli Deo Gloria! Hallelujah!
--Livvy McDonald

If you prayed in agreement with this prayer, please email me.
Thank you for your faithfulness in prayer.