Friday, February 19, 2010

"You Can Change The World" Encore

Dear Saints,

The movie entitled, "You Can Change the World," reflects a basic understanding of the underpinnings of our nation. It is interesting to see that many saw early on what we now see at stake in our country. They saw it and said so on film over a half-century prior to the challenges we face today. View this movie. Think and pray.

, Please pray for wisdom for where we are now -- 55 years later. Please Note: In posting this movie I am not making any endorsement of any religious denomination, institution, nor current-day movement].

Instead, what is important here is the overall message, the message confirmed in the Holy Bible,our final authority. A message that is both clear and profound requiring our action.

The message, Saints, in the age in which we find ourselves is:
"Don't be overcome by evil. Overcome evil with good." [Romans 12:21]

We must not be overcome by evil in any form, not even that most insidious form of evil we call discouragement.[Matthew 24:12]

We must overcome all evil with "good."

Saints, by "good" I am referring to that declarative characteristic that God Himself pronounces upon those outcomes that He Himself directs and brings forth from His living Word just as He declared in Genesis. Let me be clear about this: The "good" is that which originates with and is then orchestrated by God. "Good" does not find its origin in man.[Psalm 53:3]

"God changeth not" and He is the only one that can create something out of nothing, bring order out of chaos, and separate darkness from light. So, when we are rightly aligned with God, we become His instruments in His plan for His world. As His instruments, God is willing to bring about "good."

"Good" is what we call a blessing when we take time to recognize it.


"Good" is that which is brought forth by virtue of the exercise of God's authority on this earth. [Matthew 28:18-20]

Recognizing that all of productive value comes forth from God makes the use of the term "goods," make sense as used extensively when speaking of economies. Indeed, the Holy Bible sheds light on the cause for the opposite of that productivity, that "futility" as a curse from God. Futility is a curse that comes with ignoring Who God is. Nations of the world --including our own-- should take note of that.

Saints, we need Wisdom from God if we are to know the direction each of us is to take as we are called to elevate the Name of Christ Jesus in our nation now. Christ is made unto us Wisdom. We must do as God directs, but do so only after being filled with the Holy Spirit. It is only within the confines of divine guidance confirmed by Holy Scripture that there be any hope for our nation. We must wait for God to reveal that understanding in our lives. [Acts 1:4-5]

Our national situation remains to-date precarious. Saints, if it seems a bit alarmist to you to hear of the position articulated by folks like ex-PLO terrorist, Walid Shoebat, who believe Islam to be the "anti-christ" and well poised to undermine the US government, I suggest that you take a look at the condition of Britain today. If you want to see where we are headed unless divine intervention takes place, look at Britain's bouts with Sharia law.

We trust God! Amen! Our trust in God requires our obedience, not complacency. Trust in God in no way negates our stewardship responsibility to do justice, love mercy, and humbly walk with God! Amen!

Thanks be to God for His amazing grace! We are not undone! Saints, We are to do the work God assigns until the rapture! Amen!

So, it is time --this weekend-- to focus on God rather than the news and find out what He would have each of us do for such a time as this.

Take heart, Saints! In this world we will have troubles, but we are spiritually seated in heavenly places in someone who has overcome the world.

Love Always,
From Your Sister in Christ Jesus -- Our KING,
--Olivia "Livvy" M. McDonald