Monday, March 15, 2010

Dear Saints,
You know what is at stake in our nation.

We have already talked about this.

Now, I ask that you join me in praying today about the various issues: healthcare, abortion, and Israel. Let's pray in agreement with Holy Scripture in recognition that God can intervene in the affairs of Capitol Hill.

We will be held accountable for what do and fail to do on our watch, Saints! Prayer is a matter of stewardship that we have over our nation.

So, won't you join me today? Nothing formal, just fervent!

Pray as God leads you about these things. Because what is
impossible for man to stop really can be addressed effectively
by Our God!

As I see, the problem is this:

That vile spirit of Amalek is afoot. It must be defeated in
the Name of Jesus Christ! Amen!

For those who may not remember,it is Amalek who consistently
represents that which orchestrates death among the
people of God. Haman, the one who called for the
extermination of all the Jews during the time of Esther
was a descendant of Amalek. [Esther 3:1] [Amalek doesn't
mind directing money toward the destruction of people,
all who are loved by God.]

Also,the fellow that completed the death of Saul was
from the tribe of Amalek. [Amalek remains conveniently
available to help others commit suicide, even today.]

David had to fight a war with Amalek when all of his
items and family along with the possessions and family of his followers
were stolen in from Ziklag. [1 Samuel 30:1] [Amalek takes advantage
of weakness, taking advantage of any vulnerability left open by badly
made decisions.]

Amalek is the one against which Joshua fought while
Moses prayed with arms extended up. You remember.
That's the fight where God made the sun stand still
until the Israelites won. [Exodus 17: 7-8]

It is of Amalek that God Himself
says, "Remember what the Amalekites did to you
along the way when you came out of Egypt. When
you were weary and worn out, they met you on your
journey and cut off all who were lagging behind;
they had no fear of God." [Deuteronomy 25:17-18]

In Exodus 17:15-16, it reads:
"Moses built an altar and called it The LORD is my Banner.
He said, "For hands were lifted up to the throne of the LORD.
The LORD will be at war against the Amalekites from
generation to generation."

Saints, its now our generation. Intercession is in
order. Without it, the Joshuas of our generation,
those called to the thick of battle to represent us,
will not win.

So, there you have it, Saints!

If you are with me in prayer today, and in the case
of the issues I mentioned above,with me in prayer
for as long as it takes, please
let me know.

We need to spiritually hold each others arms up.

Praying in agreement with the Word of God!
Your Sis in Christ Jesus,
--Livvy McDonald