Wednesday, March 24, 2010


Widespread support is needed from individuals and organizations, Christians and Jews, to assure that the will of the people to establish the US Embassy in Jerusalem is carried out as expressed in the 1995 Public Law 104-45 (The Jerusalem Embassy Act of the 104th Congress).

Now is the time for an organized grassroots effort to pass two essential bills currently in Congress, S. 2737 and H.R. 3412.

Passing these bills will make it possible to enact the Jerusalem Embassy Act which became law in 1995. Successive US Presidents have exercised the "6 Month Presidential Waiver" that was granted as a loophole in the law. When these two Bills are passed, the President will no longer be able to prevent the US Embassy move that the law demands.

Israel is the only country in the world without a US Embassy located in its capital. The United States must not remain complicit in this gross neglect.
Become part of this historic effort.

Next Year In Jerusalem:
The New United States Embassy!

The Embassy move to Jerusalem makes the case for a secure Israel and a united Jerusalem under Israeli sovereignty. It is recognized by United States Law.
Without passage of these two bills, the president can once again, this June, defer enactment of the law for another 6 months. This must not happen again.
Israel is in the front line of defending our Judeo-Christian values against an Islamist onslaught targeting all of western civilization. We call upon you to help us gain wide public support to counter today's worldwide anti-Israel propaganda.
Ask Congress to pass these bills and move our Embassy.


Senator Sam Brownback (R-KS) is the principal sponsor of Senate Bill, S.2737. Representative Dan Burton (R-IN) has sponsored a similar bill in the House, H.R.3412.

Click here to sign this Urgent Action Alert and send it to the Congressmen and Senators on the Foreign Relations Committees, urging those who haven't signed on yet to do so! Copies of your email will go to all the members of the Senate Foreign Relations and House Foreign Affairs Committees. To see the Phone and Web information for these committee members, click here - "CONGRESS CONNECT."
Senate Bill S.2737 Co-Sponsors:House Bill H.R. 3412 Co-Sponsors:
Sam Brownback (R-KS)Dan Burton (R-IN)
James Inhofe (R-OK)Ileana Ros-Lehtinen (R-FL)
Jon Kyl (R-AZ)Tim Holden (D-PA)
John Cornyn (R-TX)Steve Israel (D-NY)
Joseph Lieberman (I-CT)Mark Kirk (R-IL)
David Vitter (R-LA)
Michael McMahon (D-NY)
Jim Bunning (R-KY)Todd Tiahrt (R-KS)

Both Senate and House bills have been referred to their corresponding committees where they await our grassroots support. The email Action Alert letter will be sent to all committee members automatically. Call and Web-Connect here - CONGRESS CONNECT.
UCI applauds the March 22nd speech by Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu at AIPAC:
"The connection between the Jewish people and the Land of Israel cannot be denied.
The connection between the Jewish people and Jerusalem cannot be denied.
The Jewish people were building Jerusalem 3,000 years ago and the Jewish people
are building Jerusalem today.

Jerusalem is not a settlement. It is our capital."

- PM Netanyahu, March 22nd, 2010

Acknowledging the moral and historical reality of Jerusalem as the capital of the Jewish state is imperative.

Join UCI on the front lines. Help publicize this information and gather support.
WE NEED YOUR HELP to accomplish this!
Next Year In Jerusalem:
The New United States Embassy!

Click Here to Send this Urgent Action Alert.Your email to Congress will read as follows. You may send it as is or make any changes or comments that you would like:

Dear Senators and Representatives,

The Jerusalem Embassy Act was passed overwhelmingly by both houses of Congress in 1995 and spells out the United States official policy toward establishment of our Embassy in the capital city of Israel IN AN UNDIVIDED JERUSALEM. We must not permit US law to be abrogated by misleading interpretation and rhetoric.

A direct quote from the US Law 104-45 (104th Congress) follows:
-- Statement of the Policy of the United States. --

Jerusalem should remain an undivided city in which the rights of every ethnic and religious group are protected.

Jerusalem should be recognized as the capital of the State of Israel; and
The United States Embassy in Israel should be established in Jerusalem no later than May 31, 1999.

Implementation of the Jerusalem Embassy Act is long overdue. The will of the American people, whom you represent, is enunciated in the Jerusalem Embassy Act, and must be enforced. The American public protests the deliberate foot-dragging by successive presidents since 1995. They have taken advantage of the loophole in the 1995 legislation which permits a twice-annual presidential delay for "national security reasons."

And we will wait no longer. Now we must finally right this wrong.

Israel faces an existential threat from world pressure and nuclear annhiliation from Iran. Circumventing the law and engaging in more "land for peace talks" would only leave Israel more defenseless. The time is NOW – when Israel is in mortal peril – for the relocation of the US Embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem.

This would be a real sign of support for Israel that words alone cannot accomplish. It is imperative that Congress recognize and acknowledge the moral and historical reality of Jerusalem as the capital of the Jewish state.

We urge you to sign on as a co-sponsor of S.2737 or H.R.3412.

The land for the Embassy has been purchased; it's time to have a U.S. Embassy groundbreaking ceremony and recognize Jerusalem as Israel's capital.

---Unity Coalition for Israel