Saturday, April 10, 2010

ISRAEL ACTION ALERT from Esther Levens, Unity Coalition for Israel

Dear Saints,
Please prayerfully consider the following from our dear sister, Esther Levens.
Pray for the Peace of Jerusalem.
Then, act as the Lord leads.

Thank you.
--Livvy McDonald


Dear Coalition Leaders and Individuals,

The Unity Coalition for Israel is providing a framework for a national groundswell of Christian and Jewish organizations to be able to respond to pressing issues as they arise. We invite you and your organization to be part of this effort. Time is of the essence. We hope you will respond quickly.

We want to begin by thanking the many Members of the Senate and House who have, the end of March, signed letters of support for Israel. I hope you agree that these are unusually trying times and that the Congress has responded in a very forceful way. These congressional letters openly respond to the crisis in the US-Israel relationship. Current US foreign policy is fomenting hatred among Israel's enemies and intensifying the conflict, as witnessed by recent and recurring Palestinian riots in Jerusalem.

Our Congressmen deserve our high praise for taking such a significant step as the U.S. Administration continues to pressure Israel to accommodate unreasonable Palestinian demands. Click here to see a list of 9 demands. These 333 House Members and 60 Senators should receive our sincere words of appreciation for contesting these demands. Click here for the House letter and here for the Senate version.

Coalition leaders and members, we would like to add your name (and that of your organization) to our thank you letter. These courageous Congressmen have written to Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton, in an attempt to repair the damaged relationship and at the same time to clarify our long-standing traditional friendship with Israel. Israel remains our only reliable democratic ally in the Middle East.

Thank Congress by signing our letter below. We will make certain that each official will receive a copy with your name (and that of your organization) among many others in this united effort.

Your message will also be sent directly to Prime Minister Netanyahu to demonstrate STRONG BI-PARTISAN AMERICAN SUPPORT for him and for Israel!

I remember the silence of the '30's and silence is not the answer today. Thank you so much for speaking out...

For a strong Israel and a united Jerusalem,

Esther Levens
CEO and Founder
Unity Coalition for Israel
Yes, please add my name (and that of my organization) to this letter - Click here to sign.

Dear Senator/Representative,

I wish to express my sincere thanks to you for signing a strong letter of support for Israel. The letter to our Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton, validates our position and reflects how staunchly Americans continue to recognize our close bond with Israel. The letters sent by Members of the House (March 24th, 2010) and Senate (March 29th, 2010) acknowledge the enduring special relationship between the US and Israel. You have expressed the opinion of most Americans, consistent throughout the 62 years since Israel's re-birth.

A recent bi-partisan poll confirms that 73% of Americans would side with Israel in any conflict between her and the Palestinians. (Greenberg Quinlan Rosner Research, February 2010)

The undersigned groups and individuals offer our sincere appreciation for your letter that reflects the judgment of Americans who feel strongly that the United States needs to defend an embattled Israel. You have given such a clear voice to our awareness that Israel is on the frontline of protecting our freedoms in the face of a genocidal terrorist enemy.

We agree with the House letter in which you said:

"The United States and Israel are close allies whose people share a deep and abiding friendship based on a shared commitment to core values including democracy, human rights and freedom of the press and religion. Our two countries are partners in the fight against terrorism and share an important strategic relationship." (signed by 333 Representatives)

And we are in complete accord with this quote from the Senate letter:

"Israel continues to be the one true democracy in the Middle East that brings stability to a region where it is in short supply." (signed by 60 Senators)

At this crucial time, when dissenting media and US government officials are seeking to drown out our majority opinions, your letter is especially timely and important. Thank you again for stating a pro-Israel message the world needs to hear from our American leadership.

With deep gratitude for affirming our invaluable relationship with Israel,

Yes, please add my name (and that of my organization) to this letter - Click here to sign.