April 16, 2010
Dear Friends:
I’m writing with a heavy heart to update you on a ruling that has been handed down regarding the National Day of Prayer.
As you may have heard, the Freedom From Religion Foundation filed suit a number of months ago contending that the National Day of Prayer is unconstitutional. Now, the federal judge presiding over this case has decided in their favor, claiming that this observance violates the “establishment clause” of the First Amendment.
My team and I are grieved that a day honoring our country’s heritage of faith and freedom has come under such blatant and unfounded attack. As Joel Oster, senior counsel for the Alliance Defense Fund explained:
It’s important to remember this about the National Day of Prayer: It’s America’s heritage,and this day belongs to Americans – the court should not have struck down this statute.
ADF urges the Obama administration to appeal this terrible ruling that not only undermines the National Day of Prayer, but the underlying heritage and tradition of the American people which dates back to the nation’s founding. [This event] provides an opportunity for all Americans to pray voluntarily according to their own faith.
It does not violate the Establishment Clause of the First Amendment…”
This beloved tradition unites Americans stateside and around the globe who simply wish to pray for our land.
It’s a sad day when one judge in Wisconsin can make a decision that has the potential to curtail this historic and cherished event for millions of people.
I want to emphasize that the 2010 National Day of Prayer will continue as planned since the case is stayed pending appeal. Whether it’s our national observance on Capitol Hill in Washington, D.C., or the many thousands of gatherings scheduled elsewhere, we will come together on May 6th for what I’m confident will be a powerful time of intercession. Also, it is our understanding that President Obama will be signing a proclamation, and we are hopeful that governors and government officials will again do so as they have in the past.
The next couple of months are crucial, though, to the future of the National Day of Prayer. An appeal must be filed by the Obama administration within 60 days following the issuance of the initial ruling.
If they choose not to appeal, the Alliance Defense Fund together with our Task Force is looking into every other legal avenue by which this ruling might be overturned. I strongly urge you to go to our web site at www.nationaldayofprayer.org for information, including a petition you can sign and important ways you can help. We also ask that you call your representatives in Congress to respectfully voice your concerns about this ruling and request that they actively call on the Obama administration to appeal the decision.
In closing, please remain in prayer with us about this critical matter. We know God is in control.
And, whatever lies ahead, we are committed to stirring the hearts of Americans to prayer and to preserving the National Day of Prayer as a vital expression of our nation’s cherished religious liberties. Thank you in advance for joining us in this effort.
For His glory,
Mrs. James C. Dobson (Shirley)
Chairman, NDP Task Force
Saturday, April 17, 2010
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