Wednesday, July 7, 2010

US - Israeli Heads of State Discussions, Poppycock! Why? Because Obama's Two-State Solution Jeopardizes Israel's Sovereignty.

Yes, I said it!
Independent of Recent Press Statements --- The Truth Is that Obama's Proposed Two-State Solution Places the Sovereignty of Israel in Jeopardy!

The Two-State Solution being proposed by the Saudi Arabians and US President Obama represents an attempt at weilding a death blow to Israel. Of course, ultimately, God will get the Last Word. For now, it is apparent that it is up to the Bible Believing American people to stand with our only reliable democratic ally in the Middle East. Make sure your state and federally elected officials know of your support for an undivided Israel. Israel's sovereignty should be preserved, and its immediate fate must not rest upon polite political poppycock.
[According to the Free online Dictionary: Noun 1. poppycock - senseless talk; "don't give me that stuff"
hooey, stuff and nonsense, stuff
hokum, meaninglessness, nonsense, nonsensicality, bunk - a message that seems to convey no meaning
jargon, lingo, patois, argot, vernacular, slang, cant - a characteristic language of a particular group (as among thieves); "they don't speak our lingo" ]

"Poppycock!"- Unfortunately, "Poppycock" appropriately describes much in our society these days, especially in the political arena. Make sure you have the correct pronunciation. I like the Free Online Dictionary because of the pronunciation function:

So, what's the problem this time?


Obama's Two State Solution puts Israel's Sovereignty at Risk.

For more information, I encourage you to visit our friends at

If that is not enough for you, perhaps you should take notice that the Palestinian Liberation Organization has a well articulated and historically documented plan for conquering Israel. Just investigate the PLO Four-Stage Plan that never was recinded. You can view a 2001 analysis of the PLO Four-Stage Plan at www. An eye-opener!

Folks, the Land of Israel belongs to God!

And, on this side of eternity, you can tell what a government's true position is by what it does and by what it strategically permits to happen. Independent of July 6, 2010 photo-perfect "political comraderie" portrayed between the two heads of state, the question remains,

"Do current U.S. policy actions translate into long-term tangible support for the sovereign existence of Israel?"

Today, after all has been said, the answer remains, NO!

Saints, Let's continue to pray for the United States and pray for the Peace of Jerusalem!
---Livvy McDonald