Monday, July 12, 2010

Pray for the Youth. Pray for Revival. Pray for Us.

I once visited a church service where the Pastor's wife made the following comment.
She said,
"The Devil will entice and lure our youth into doing wrong, right into doing a crime. And, then, when the young person does the crime, that same Devil will 'drop a dime' [translation, make a phone call] to report the fact that that young person did the crime."

By "Devil," this woman was not talking about a human being. No, she was talking about that fallen angel named Lucifer and his evil spiritual workings through the "principalities and powers of darkness" dedicated to causing havoc on planet earth.

Such are the encounters in spiritual warfare.

Saints, having said that, I want us to agree that ABSOLUTELY NO WEAPON formed against the youth from pre-born through adulthood will prosper!
Let's agree. Amen.

The enemy of ALL of our souls [whether some folks know it or not] wants to "kill, steal, and destroy."

Saints, I am also asking you to pray past the loud distortion[exemplified even in background noises in this video], past the sounds of social engineering and social dissonance, past those torturous in-between-the-channel sounds of bad news, past the shreeching sounds of race, rattling sounds of violence for which many have grown well acquainted since those sounds are repeated in reports and those same actions, now well-scripted, get reinacted in preparation for each new viewing of the nightly news.

In the power of the Holy Spirit, we are fighting the world, the flesh, and the prince of the air [airways].

Saints, THIS MEANS WE BOTH will have to leap over old hurts, proud gazes, and misunderstandings so we can simply PRAY. Pray without pomp. Pray in the power of the Holy Spirit. Pray knowing the cost Jesus paid for all of us. Let's Pray in agreement with Jesus as He intercedes for His people.

Let's Pray again for Revival to become a vital, unquenchable, reality within each of us. Let our small flame ignite the spiritual bearings of the Commonwealth of Virginia. Let Virginia's spiritual revival which can only come with right recognition of the KING of Kings, Christ Jesus, then be the spiritual blaze of Revival that spreads throughout the nation.

Let's Pray for the minds and the hearts of ALL our youth to be righteously aligned with the Creator of the Universe.

Let's get a message to Christ Jesus because it is He Who defines Himself as the Word. Let's be careful to come into correct alignment ourselves, making sure our words agree with His. Better yet, let's speak His Word of life over ourselves, our family and neighbors, and our nation.

---WE speak Life! In the Name of Christ Jesus!AMEN! John 14:6
---WE speak Salvation! In the Name of Christ Jesus!AMEN! Acts 16:31
---WE speak Blessing, the blessing of Family, the Family of Christ Jesus. Let this family be recognizable by the love of God,demonstrated by all of its members as we each rightly acknowledge (and begins to act according to) the inerrancy of the Holy Bible. Ephesians 1:3; 1 John 4:7
---We speak the Blood of Christ over God's people to bond all to Himself, Christ's blood over each of our lives, with special attention asked to cover the lives of the most vulnerable among us, the lives of our chronological and spiritual young!
In the Name of Christ Jesus! AMEN! Matthew 26:28; Ephesians 1:7; Ephesians 2:13; Leviticus 17:11

We need You, Lord Jesus!

Dear Heavenly Father,
Please forgive us for our transgressions we pray in
the name of Your Only Begotten Son, Christ Jesus.
Please forgive us and hear our prayer.
We Thank You for What You Have Already Done.
Thank You that It is indeed Finished
through the Precious Blood shed on Calvary!
Our Redeemer Lives!
All Hail the Power of JESUS' Name!

--Livvy McDonald