Recently, I addressed a letter to a group that is very much concerned about the direction of our nation. I want to share the main points of correspondence with you now so as to not be misunderstood and because our times are indeed perilous.
The following is imperative:
1. The continued sovereignty of the United States is directly linked to the degree to which the Bible Believing Church rightly acknowledges the sovereignty of God and operates according to the Word of God, the Holy Bible. [Nations are judged on this side of eternity for failure to acknowledge God's Sovereignty. See Romans 1:18-32, Holy Bible - Note: Among the judgments: general depravity and homosexuality.]
2. The founders of this nation were effective because of their basic understanding of the foundational Truth that the establishment of a great nation must rest securely upon the Holy Bible, a sentiment echoed even as recently as the nineteen eighties in this country by President Reagan when he wrote a proclamation that 1983 was The Year of the Bible.
3. The result of right recognition of the need for the adherence to the Holy Bible, the thorough reading of it even to the point of re-writing paraphrase portions [as Jefferson did] resulted in greater and greater understanding of its contents and translated into a keen understanding and clarity of thought required to establish this nation.
4. The founders tapped into the mind of Christ as revealed in the Holy Bible and the result was Providential guidance that led to the writing of the Declaration of independence and (ultimately) the Constitution of the United States.
5. It is imperative that we return to the Holy Bible as the guiding document for our lives individually and collectively as the Church. [This is the humbling required by 2 Chronicles 7:14, it is not simply the getting on our knees and praying, it is prayerfully reading God's Word, understanding what God wants us to do, and then doing it rather than going our own way prescribing our own version of what constitutes right and wrong. Such error results in quagmire and death spiritually and physically to ourselves and others potentially as seen with the most recent rumblings of congregational error.]
6. A return to the reading and application of the Holy Bible as the inerrant Word of God is imperative if this nation is to survive because only then will God-given reason return to this country, to citizenry. [And, please understand that I am speaking of those who are members of the Church. REMEMBER: Matt 8, Mark 4, and Luke 8 --- When the disciples woke up Jesus on the boat during a terrible storm on the sea, Jesus spoke peace to that storm, thus calming the sea not only for the disciples in the boat, but for all the other boats that were present. That 'Peace! Be Still!' covered the entire problem. If we as God's people get our relationship right with Him, it can benefit not only us but also all the rest of society, whether they believe or not.]
7. If the population begins to acknowledge the God of the Bible--starting with the churches with members actually reading the Bible for themselves for guidance in decision-making)--then the general population will be able to see more clearly a favorable difference between Egypt and Goshen. [Proverbs 16:7, the Holy Bible, says "When a man's ways please the LORD, he maketh even his enemies to be at peace with him." Also See: 2 Chronicles 17:10]
8. As it stands now, with the full range from luke warm to that of outrageously wrong doctrine, the world won't (can't) see any difference between the church and the world.
9. That is why the most patriotic thing a citizen of the United States can do is study the Holy Bible, because in it is life, and by it all of God's servants are warned, given divinely inspired discernment needed to make right choices in this world and to be saved through the acceptance of Christ Jesus for the next.
10. And, because of the great fractures within the body of Christ across ethnic, racial, denominational, political, and theological lines, there must be return to what God says in the Holy Bible. Adherence to the written Word of God is the only way each of us may be restored to right place functioning as vibrant members of His Body. [By the way, unity based solely on a perceved common enemy can make for very strange and temporal "bedfellows" ---political, "ecumenical", but not necessarily biblical.]
11. Further, it is imperative that Pastors be schooled on the relationship between the Holy Bible, the Declaration of Independence and the U.S. Constitution, to move beyond the "man-centered" focus on founders, men who were just as fallen as we are, to a focus on the Creator of the universe, the Sovereign that raises up and brings down nations.
12. Pastors need to know the relevance of Bible scriptures to the governance of our nation.
13. Pastors need to return not merely to the founders as their end point, but rather and most sincerely to the Biblical Foundation upon which the founders of this nation looked.
14. Rightly taught, a look at history will take into account God's use of the founders in His plans, in which case the founders are a good reference point for discussion. But, understand this. Any failure to go a step further, to look beyond the founders will mean receipt of an history lesson limited to history of men rather HIS story, which is the "real" story, THE story of God intervening in the affairs of men.
15. Pastors must be revived, returning to their first Love as revealed to them in the Holy Bible, saying what God says from cover to cover of the Holy Bible, showing its relevance and application, so that their congregants will read the Bible for themselves and understand what they should do as well as what should not be done or tolerated.
16. Unless the dots are connected between the Holy Bible and the notion of "self-governance" which only comes by way of "self control," a gift of the Holy Spirit, any strides made now will be temporary and superficial, enough to get through the election but not enough to stop the erosion of our nation's character.
17. As we know from God's Word, the Holy Spirit calls to memory at the right time what the Christian has read in the Holy Bible. If the Christian does not read the Bible, there is nothing to call to memory.
18. Since there are so many counterfeit spirits and false christs active in our world, God warns us to test all ideas and spirits on the basis of what is written in the Holy Bible.
19. When what one hears does not line up with the Holy Bible, the notion should be rejected. That is called discernment. The Holy Bible is the litmus test for all ideas and arguments!
20. In no way should we as a Christ following people stand in awe of the founders as they were mere mortals, too. [This error is easy to make because of the divinely influenced writing.] Awe is to be reserved for God! Not God And....
21. Because of the emotional makeup of patriotic fervor, such a displacement can also happen. We must at all times remember that this nation has been great because it was dedicated at its inception to our GREAT GOD! And, it was and is only possible because of His great hand guiding us.
22. We MUST look for God's guidance in practical terms just as the founders did. It's our generation's turn to apply the Holy Bible to governance of our nation.
23. There are those who have quipped that the American citizens should read the Quran so that they will know what is in it and then in outrage and disgust, act accordingly. My response differs. It would be better if the Church would read the Holy Bible and apply the principles therein so that the light of God's presence in our lives would be so manifestly seen by all that even our enemies, our fear-generating jailers, would cry out, "What must I do to be saved?"
Just a "Bible-based" thought!
God Speed!
---Livvy McDonald :)<><
I deeply appreciate the full lyrics of Faith of Our Fathers, written by Frederick Farber, 1849
Now, Let's Bring Truth to Our Date in HIS story:
Faith of our fathers, living still,
In spite of dungeon, fire and sword;
O how our hearts beat high with joy
Whenever we hear that glorious Word!
Faith of our fathers, holy faith!
We will be true to thee till death.
Faith of our fathers, we will strive
To win all nations unto Thee;
And through the truth that comes from God,
We all shall then be truly free.
Faith of our fathers, we will love
Both friend and foe in all our strife;
And preach Thee, too, as love knows how
By kindly words and virtuous life.
Acknowledge Christ Jesus, the KING of Kings!
The Entire Bible is about HIM!
--Livvy McDonald :)<><
1 Samuel 2:35, Holy Bible