Friday, March 19, 2010

A Message from Charmaine Yoest of Americans United for Life - Please Read, Pray, and Act, Saints!

Life Counts: Today May Be Your Last Chance
Dear Friend of Life:
You have heard from me often this week because we are facing the most dangerous pro-abortion threat since Roe v. Wade. For many of you, this is the single most significant threat to Life in your lifetime. I am hearing that the House of Representatives will vote on health care legislation this Sunday. If that happens, today may be your last chance to be heard.
For that reason, I am asking that you forward this email to everyone you know.
The district offices of many of your Representatives are not open during the weekend, so you need to find a way to make a personal visit today.
If you click below you will be taken to AUL Action’s homepage. There, you can download a flyer that we have created, write a personal message, and hand it to someone in your Congressman or Congresswoman’s local district office.
I want to continue to urge you to do this – your visit could make the difference. Tell your Representative that Life Counts and a NO vote is the ONLY vote on health care.
One more thing – we are looking to let everyone online know that Life Counts – and you can help. We have created an image that you can use on Twitter and Facebook to show your support for Life in this pivotal moment. CLICK HERE