Friday, March 19, 2010

There is a Connection between Our Current Troubles[Current Internal Attempts at Dismantling Our Nation] and United States' Posture Toward Israel

US Administration(s) have courted Israel's enemies.

Condolezza under the previous administration propped the door wide open for Israel's enemies.

The present administration now basks unabashedly in the act of soliciting the enemies of Israel.

This is NOT good.

Saints, you and I know that there is no long-term advantage to be gained by obstructing Israel's sovereignty.


Because God says of Israel in Genesis 12:3, "I will bless those who bless you, and whoever curses you I will curse; and all peoples on earth will be blessed through you."

This is the Big Picture, Saints!

Our sovereignty as a nation is in jeopardy because of our failure to stand with Israel.

Unless the posture toward Israel changes, there will be no hope for the United States.

The Health Care Reform absurdity represents just the beginning of divinely permitted assault on our nation, assaults that will continue unless the official posture of the United States shifts to one of support for Israel.

All nations turning away from Israel is prophesized.

The only hope rests in our prayers to God for mercy on the United States. And, even then, if heeded we are talking about delay in dismantling not a permanent fix.

But, pray we must. We must pray for revival.
And, we must pray for all authorities and for the wisdom needed for this age.

If we want to stay the devourer's hand of "health care reform", we must pray for right relations between the United States and Israel.

Indeed, pray for all earthly authorities, especially our own. Pray that leaders will rightly recognize the supreme Authority of the universe, Our Sovereign God.

God can fight for us, but we must be in agreement with God and not the other way around.
---Livvy McDonald