Wednesday, August 4, 2010

The Sovereignty of the United States Depends On Acknowledgement of God of the Holy Bible in the Decisions of State


What do the nomination of Kagan to the U.S. Supreme Court, challenges to State Rights, Health Care "Reform", and the proposed building of a Mosque on ground zero in New York have in common?

These very different situations are each outcomes of one fundamental deficiency, the failure to declare unequivocably just one thing.

What is that deficiency?
What is it that has not been declared?

What has not been declared is the fact that this nation,the United States of America, from the Atlantic to the Pacific ocean, belongs to the God of the Holy Bible.

Such a declaration would expressly mean that the entire land-mass is under the jurisdiction of the Ten Commandments, the Law of the God of the Holy Bible.

The freedom that draws people from all over the world including Islamic nations is the freedom that exists because of the Law of the God of the Holy Bible. Folks from other nations can reside here if they are willing to abide under the Law of the God of the Holy Bible.

Our nation is not to be conquered demographically by ingesting individuals that seek to dominate or otherwise diminish the Law of the God of the Holy Bible.

It is on the basis of that Holy Bible, God's Written Word by which we are to test all spirits, that we have the Declaration of Independence, a key document undergirding the logic that gave us our United States Constitution.

What is the problem?

Folks, the problem is that politicians have wanted to avoid discussing the obvious threat of Shariah Law out of political correctness, the fact that they fear people more than they fear God may cost another Supreme court post. Prefering to ask about "international influence" in the interpretation of the law rather than directly asking Elena Kagan how she perceives the Shariah law in relation to the U.S. Constitution has allowed this person, without experience, totting only secular humanist opportunism, the possible post of next Supreme Court justice of the United States. And, by the way, it would not be enough to just say that we do not want Shariah Law. What should be said is that we continue to abide by the Law of God of the Holy Bible upon which this nation was founded.

Because the value of human life is not acknowledged as God-Given, we have tolerated abortion, conversations of euthenasia, and now attempts to dictate life style as social engineers see rising health cost as sufficient cause for government intervention, thus translating into violation of the private lives of the nation's citizens.

That violation appears justified because "obviously" the American people are not
self-governing, they lack self-restraint, self-control, and thus requiring an overarching structure that can keep them from hurting themselves.

And, as far as the issues of citizenry go, this is a problem because when the political conversation moved away from "right and wrong" to "in whose interest" in a land of abundance, then notions of standards for deciding who we are, who constitutes US, also fell by the wayside. You see, we could not speak of right or wrong without speaking about God.

God's Ten Commandments include statements like,
"Thou shall not covet." Thou shall not covet thy neighbor's land,...."

This biblical pronouncement that once served as protection for private property was lost because the standard giver, the Sovereign of the universe, the God of the Holy Bible, is no longer perceived relevant to our own demise.

So, when anyone says, "NO!" "There are boundaries." "You can't have this." "You can't do what you want when it infringes on our 'God-given' right", God-Given meaning that which is righteously ordained by God. When such lines are drawn, folks are seen as intolerant, bigoted, etc.

"But, We are a nation of immigrants!"is the retort. "It would be bigoted to draw the line so indiscriminantly."

My response to this charge is simple.

Everyone is welcomed who wishes to enter according to our rule of law. To join US is to become a member of a family either by birth or by adoption. Citizen are either born into the nation are they are "adopted" into the nation by completing the requisite forms and accepting responsibility for the maintenance of the household that we call the United States of America. We have no "partial" citizens. That idea is as ludicrous as saying one is partly pregnant. And, to act as a imposter, pretending to be a member of the family to receive the benefits of a family member is called theft: theft of identity and theft of resources.

And, by the way, if you are Christian and are here in the United States without benefit of naturalization[legal adoption], you should repent to God and then turn yourself in and/or simply leave the United States. Then, you can be free to come into the family the right way with full rights and responsibilities of citizenship. I am confident that God's convicting presence in you [if you belong to Him] will bear witness in your spirit the truthfulness of what I am saying to you.

Folks, some of you may be asking, "How did we get in this mess?"
Well, nature abhors a vacuum.

Failure to actually read the Holy Bible, to operate on the basis of biblical principles, the toleration of intolerable luke-warm representation of what the church should be has contributed to our current malaise. Yes, I am pointing the finger at ourselves. Our complacency has contributed to folks fearing man more than God because the power to live righteously has not been readily evident in our own lives. The "lack-luster" timidity is so much so that now that when folks actually see that the fear of man is absent, the accusation is rendered that "those people" are "archaic," "unsophisticated," "hay seed."

Folks, a choice must be made.

Territorial challenges in the spiritual realm are now boldly moving to establish visible representation of their conquest of this nation.

I ask that you join me in praying for revival for our entire nation so that we may turn back to God, and God may assume His rightful place in the affairs of our nation.

The sovereignty of the United States is threatened.

Please call your political representative and tell them that you will hold them accountable if they fail to stand up against the threats against our sovereignty as a nation.

---Livvy McDonald:<><

P.S.It won't do to simply speak of the"Founders" of the United States with awe.Those "Founders" were simply people, too. The key is to ACKNOWLEDGE GOD ,Saints. Let us not fall into the trap of celebrating those who had the wisdom and discernment to ACKNOWLEDGE GOD and then fail to ACKNOWLEDGE GOD ourselves.

And, don't be fooled. Lip service will not do! There must be adherence to God's written word, the Holy Bible. To see an abuse of terms, Check out this blaspheme: